Monday, December 13, 2010

Walking and Ready to go

Ramon has now been walking everywhere, he really enjoys exploring but hates being stopped while in explore mode. We are going to be starting to go to the park regularly now, just have to find the best park in town. We are getting ready to fly to Florida to see family for the holidays, it's going to be nice for his first Christmas, we all are excited.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Yup Ramon's personality is starting to shine. He's very active and loves to babble. He is also starting to retain things. He now does the wheels on the bus, peek a boo, and can point to his nose. He's growing sooo fast. He can walk pretty well too not a full walk yet but he can can a ton of steps in.

He did great on our trip to San Fran, next stop will be Florida of his first ever Christmas. I will post a pic of his first Thanksgiving soon(don't know were liz put it). The menu was Cornish Hen, Mash potato, Green Bean casserole, Cranberry and Stuffing

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Self feed

Yup he's making a mess and getting good at it

Super Babe

Just a day of good fun, woo hoo!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010


Ha ha, I finally got pics of his teeth!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

three teeth at hand

Ramon has three teeth now and I wanted to give pics of them but he just won't show them off. So here are some random photos to enjoy.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Here is the cute pic you have been waiting for :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What did you say?

So it looks like Ramon's first word is.........."Down"...yup, it come from him paying close attention to us when we are giving Penny treats. Most days we give Penny about 4 treats and always start with "Penny Sit, Penny Down" sometimes we skip sit because she does it instinctively. Liz has finished his Halloween costume but you guys will have to wait a few more days till I post it.

Friday, October 22, 2010

where did the time go

Sorry folks, almost let the entire month pass with out a single post. Ramon is doing well, we just had our 9 month check up. The doctor said he doing fine but he needs to eat more. He has a high metabolism and needs to eat more often. So now I'm feeding him almost every hour...what a little piggy :) of course more in means more out.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hot Hot Hot

Man it's hot, so Ramon, Liz and I chowed down on some fresh fruit. It has been a pretty good weekend. We will be peeing watermelon juice, and pooping watermelon seed for weeks to come.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Another regular day, nothing really to report today. What I can say is that Ramon loves oranges, he'll rip that out of your hand if you give him the chance. here is some pics to fill in the space.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Ramon is developing his vocals, screaming random baby talk and crazy words. Currently reading "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs" and "The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales". Funny how when he was first born he loved to sleep, then I thought he was going to be one of those babies who loved to sleep, boy was I wrong. Our battery charged super child loves to be awake and explore the world around him.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Keeping UP

Trying to regain my Blog momentum. We had a good day at church, the first in awhile. We did however have to move to 2nd service so Ramon could take a nap, this made all the difference. Today he had his first bubble bath, good thing he enjoys bath time. I have come to the understanding that Ramon is like rocket fuel, mixed with crack. He loves to squirm and move around everywhere. Sitting and sleeping are not options he enjoys unless they involve him being feed, and even then he has to be truly hungry. What a kid...I love every last bit of him no matter how hard he's becoming to keep up with, good thing I have been training myself for these events.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Time is moving far to fast

The month is past the half way mark and I haven't posted anything this month. Ramon is doing well, he's growing in leaps and bounds. We took Ramon to Disney again and the princesses, eve a villain loved him...he's such a lady killer. He's eating more chunky foods and loves to try anything we are eating. Still no teeth... they'll show soon.

Monday, August 30, 2010

And Going, and going, and going

Man this kid is full of energy like you wouldn't believe. He refuses to sit till and he loves exploring. Man I love to watch him discover new things, like the door stopper, or him self in the mirror. Ramon almost has the high five down, who'd thunk I can train him similar to the way I trained

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Been A while

It's been a while since my last post, but Ramon is keeping me on my toes, he scooting around and exploring his surroundings. It's an adventure for both of us. We're going to be trying all kinds of stuff. We've started eating "Graduates Puffs" and Teething biscuits ....what a mess :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


We are making new developments in leaps and bound. In the last month Ramon has managed to learn to roll over and roll towards things he wants, he also can go from belly to back to sitting up and almost stand. He's using things to pull him self up and I feel he might actually start crawling, as long as I keep giving him the opportunity to crawl he'll be doing it sooner then expected. He's moving in to eating meats and he can almost finish 8oz of food in a day. We're doing great!!